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Treatment of a Class II Subdivision Type 2 Malocclusion with Customized Lingual Brackets and a Simple Distalizer Appliance
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Dental Transposition
Dental transposition is the positional interchange of two adjacent teeth, or the development or eruption of a tooth in...
Third skeletal class, open bite
Inversione del combaciamento sul canino, affollamento inferiore terza classe dentale, affollamento superiore ed inferiore.
Skeletal class I
Patient no. 1261
Skeletal class I, first dental, crowding with deviation of inter-incisive lines and vertical asymmetry
Treatment start: 30.10.2006
Treatment end:...
Deep bite
We speak of a deep bite when the upper incisors cover too much the lower ones.
Normally, coverage of 2...
Cross bite
Si verifica quando i denti superiori non scavalcano i denti inferiori.
Questa malocclusione può interessare sia i denti laterali (morso...
Open bite
By open bite we mean an incorrect dental match in the vertical sense, essentially the presence of a gap...